Thursday, October 27, 2011

Java Programming - 15

Java Programming - 15

Question: Java defines two ways when instantiating an object, such as :-
Correct Answer: Can implement the runnable interface , Can extend
the thread class

Question: Java allows loops to be nested.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: If omit the package statement, which names are put into
defualt pacakge?
Correct Answer: class

Question: The switch statement does not require a break.
Correct Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is a data structure that controls the state of a
collection of threads as a whole?
Correct Answer: Thread group

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Main thread is important for which two reasons?
Correct Answer: It is thread from which other "child" thread will be
swapped , Often it must be the last thread to finish execution because
It performs various shutdown actions

Select The Blank
Question: For externalizable objects the ________ is solely
responsible for the external format of its contents.
Correct Answer: Class
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which are keywords in Java?
Correct Answer: Extends , Synchronized , Sizeof

Question: Transient variable is variable that may not be serialized.
Correct Answer: True

Question: A thread can be blocked when waiting for a resource.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: What are different modifiers?
Correct Answer: Private , Protected , Final

Select The Blank
Question: The explicit drop of an object reference by setting the
value of a variable, whose data type is a reference type of ________.
Correct Answer: Null

Match The Following
Question- Correct Answer

The data, or variable, defined -Instance variable.

within a class General form of Cast (target--type)value (target--type)value
Determine the relationship that Relational Operator Relational Operator
The secondary versions of the Short-Circuit Logical Operators Logical Operator
Boolean AND and OR operators

Question: With java Type Casts are checked at both compile-time and
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Which statement provides an easy way to dispatch execution
to different parts of your code based on the value of an expression?
Correct Answer: Switch

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: What all the run( ) method can do?
Correct Answer: Can call other method , Declare variable

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How many types of literals are there?
Correct Answer: Number literals, character literals, boolean
literals, string literals, etc.

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is an array?
Correct Answer: It is value collection of same type of data type

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Question: Which of these lines of code will compile?
Correct Answer: short s = 20; , char c = 32; , double d = 1.4;

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Question: How do you assign values to variables?
Correct Answer: By using the assignment operator =.

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is the logical construct upon which the entire
java language is built.
Correct Answer: Class

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How multidimensional array is declared?
Correct Answer: int[4] [5];

Question: The for statement loop can be infinite.
Correct Answer: True

Select The Blank
Question: ________ are stored in hierarchical manner.
Correct Answer: Packages

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Question: When might your program wish to run the garbage collector?
Correct Answer: Before it enters a compute-intense section of code ,
Before it enters a memory-intense section of code , When it knows there
will be some idle time

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Question: Which of the following are mathematical Expressions?
Correct Answer: (+ +) , (+ =) , (- =)

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Question: What is a string?
Correct Answer: A combination of characters called as string

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Question: What is meant by garbage collection?
Correct Answer: Object is no longer referred to by any variable

Question: Casting occurs commonly between numeric types
Correct Answer: True

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is an instance of a class that implements the
runnable interface.
Correct Answer: threadOb

Question: Integer can Cast to byte value.
Correct Answer: False

Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer

Derived class Subclass of protection Superclass
Class Interface Directories
Packages Directories Excpetion
Specifier Protected Protected

Question: A thread can be preempted by a higher priority thread.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: By Providing the interface keyword, Java allows you to
fully utilize the which aspect of polymorphism?
Correct Answer: One interface , Multiple methods

Select The Blank
Question: Anonymous classes be implemented in an ________.
Correct Answer: Interface

Question: Interface can be extended.
Correct Answer: True

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Question: There are two distinct types of multitasking. Which are
Correct Answer: Process based , Thread-base

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Question: Java provides built-in support for which programming?
Correct Answer: Multithreaded

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Question: The argument to which specifies the delayperiod in
Correct Answer: sleep( )

Question: The switch differs from the if in that switch can only
test for equality, whereas if can evaluate any type of Boolean expression.
Correct Answer: True

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is referred by a variable candidate for garbage
collection when the variable goes out of scope.
Correct Answer: Objects

Java Programming - 14

Select The Blank
Question: After calling start( ) NewThread, constructor returns to
Correct Answer: main( )

Question: Nested if is less efficient then switch statement.
Correct Answer: True
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer

Constructor -Initialization object

Parameters -Method Generalized

Memory deallocation -Garbage Collection

This -Current Object
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which thread is created automatically when the program is
Correct Answer: Main thread

Select The Blank
Question: When java program starts up, one thread begin runing and
it is called ________thread.
Correct Answer: main( )

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Multiple Choice Single Response
Correct Answer: Object oriented programming.

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Question: Which statement will always execute the body of a loop at
least once?
Correct Answer: Do

Question: In While loop condition can be any Boolean expression
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: By Providing the interface keyword, Java allows you to
fully utilize the which aspect of polymorphism?
Correct Answer: One interface , Multiple methods

Question: Short data type range is -30,376 to 32768.
Correct Answer: False

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Question: Which is a public static member of thread?
Correct Answer: Currenthread( )

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Question: Which of the following is the declaration of an array of
string objects?
Correct Answer: String[ ] s; , String [ ]s: , String[ s]:

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: There are two distinct types of multitasking. Which are
Correct Answer: Process based , Thread-base

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is probably the least used java data type
Correct Answer: short

Question: Casting between primitive types allows conversion of one
primitive type to another.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: What are different modifiers?
Correct Answer: Private , Protected , Final

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A Java application can execute anywhere on the network,
this implements that Java is :-
Correct Answer: Architecture neutral

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Question: Java Applets are intelligent programs means :-
Correct Answer: They can react to user input and dynamically change.

Select The Blank
Question: The name of the new thread is specified by ________.
Correct Answer: threadName

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is referred by a variable candidate for garbage
collection when the variable goes out of scope.
Correct Answer: Objects

Select The Blank
Question: The ________ repeat a set of code while the condition is
Correct Answer: While loop

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Select the facility provided along with JVM which enhances
speed of execution :-
Correct Answer: Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler.

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is an instance of the class.
Correct Answer: Object

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is a data structure that controls the state of a
collection of threads as a whole?
Correct Answer: Thread group

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Question: Which statement used inside a set of nested loops, will
only break out of the innermost loop?
Correct Answer: Break

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which are the keywords use in switch statement?
Correct Answer: Case , Default

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The argument to which specifies the delayperiod in
Correct Answer: sleep( )

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which loops can be nested in java?
Correct Answer: While , Do-while , For

Question: If the break statement is omited in switch statement, then
execution will continue on into the next case.
Correct Answer: True

Match The Following
Question- Correct Answer

Exit any loop Break Exit

If -Else
Loop -While

Jump -Break, continue, return

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: To import a class, what is a syntax used?
Correct Answer: import classname;

Select The Blank
Question: The ________ keyword halts the execution of the current
loop and forces control out of the loop.
Correct Answer: Break

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Java's multithreading system is built upon :-
Correct Answer: Thread class , Its methods , Companion interface

Question: When an object is referenced, it mean that it has been
identified by the finalizer method for garbage collection.
Correct Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Which Control Statements allow the program to choose
different paths of execution?
Correct Answer: Selection
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Question: Method definition has four parts, they are :-
Correct Answer: Name of the method , Type of object , List of

Select The Blank
Question: There are ________ kinds of Floating point type
Correct Answer: Two

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: What returns a reference to the thread in which it is
Correct Answer: Method , Class , Object

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Which statement defines a name space in which classes are
Correct Answer: package
Your Answer: objects

Select The Blank
Question: ________ is an instance of a class that implements the
runnable interface.
Correct Answer: threadOb

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Stack performs which two function?
Correct Answer: pop( ) , push( )

Question: The for statement loop can be infinite.
Correct Answer: True

Question: A thread's priority is used to decide when to switch from
one running thread to the next, this is called as the context switch.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which one does not extend java.lang.Number?
Correct Answer: Boolean , Character

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: If you do not implement all the methods of an interface
while implementing, what specifier should you use for the class ?
Correct Answer: abtract

Question: Running threads can be suspended, which temporarily
suspends its activity.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What are the possible access modifiers while implementing
interface methods?
Correct Answer: public

Java Programming - 13

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: When might your program wish to run the garbage collector?
Correct Answer: When it knows there will be some idle time , Before it enters a compute-intense section of code , Before it enters a memory-intense section of code

Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer

start( ) thread main
main thread child thread child thread
NewThread this new
sleep( ) milliseconds milliseconds

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Expression must be of the data types :-
Correct Answer: Byte , Short , Int

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What are members of the threads class?
Correct Answer: Method

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: What modifiers may be used with top-level class?
Correct Answer: Public , Abstract , Final

Select The Blank
Question: Start( )executes a call to ________.
Correct Answer: run( )

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is a data structure that controls the state of a collection of threads as a whole?
Correct Answer: Thread group

Match The Following
Question- Correct Answer

currentThread -member of thread

High priority -thread preemptive

getName- thread's name

isAlive- thread is still running

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How do you assign values to variables?
Correct Answer: By using the assignment operator =.

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Which of the following is used to get the value of the instance variables?
Correct Answer: Dot Notation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which are the keywords use in switch statement?
Correct Answer: Case , Default

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The source for the frist package defines three classes
Correct Answer: Protection , Derived , SamePackage

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Stack performs which two function?
Correct Answer: pop( ) , push( )

Select The Blank
Question: ________ variables are declared by use of the Byte Keyword.
Correct Answer: Byte

Select The Blank
Question: The ________ repeats a set of code at least once before the condition is tested.
Correct Answer: Do-while loop

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is a string?
Correct Answer: A combination of characters called as string
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How multidimensional array is declared?
Correct Answer: int[4] [5];

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A thread name can be obtained by caling which method?
Correct Answer: getName( )

Question: A thread can voluntarily relinquish control.
Correct Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Which cast must be used to convert a larger value into a smaller one?
Correct Answer: Explicit cast.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Modulus operator % can be applied to these data types :-
Correct Answer: floating Point , Integer , Character

Question: Suppose a given instance variable has been declared private, this instance variable is manipulated by methods outside its class.
Correct Answer: False

Question: Integer can Cast to byte value.
Correct Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How many concrete classes can you have inside an interface?
Correct Answer: none

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Question: When java program starts up, which thread begins running immediately?
Correct Answer: Main thread

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Which operator is used to create and concatenate string?
Correct Answer: Addition operator(+).

Select The Blank
Question: After calling start( ) NewThread, constructor returns to ________.
Correct Answer: main( )

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Question: How to change the values of the elements of the array?
Correct Answer: By using array subscript expression

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Question: How can class be imported from a package to a program?
Correct Answer: import java.packagename.classname

Question: Is it necessary to implement all the methods of an interface while implementing the interface
Correct Answer: False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A Java application can execute anywhere on the network, this implements that Java is :-
Correct Answer: Architecture neutral

Question: Interface can be extended.
Correct Answer: True

Select The Blank
Question: A class can only inherit a single ________.
Correct Answer: Superclass

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Question: Exit statement is optional in which loops in java?
Correct Answer: While , Do-while , For

Question: Java allows loops to be nested.
Correct Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is an array?
Correct Answer: It is value collection of same type of data type

Select The Blank
Question: ________ loop repeats a statement or block while its controlling expressions is true.
Correct Answer: While

Question: A thread can be blocked when waiting for a resource.
Correct Answer: True

Select The Blank
Question: A ________ is declared by use of the class keyword.
Correct Answer: class

Select The Blank
Question: Double data type uses ________ to store a value
Correct Answer: 64 bits

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Question: Packages act as containers for :-
Correct Answer: Classes , Subordinate packages

Select The Blank
Question: The mechanism by which java frees the memory occupied by unused objects is ________.
Correct Answer: Garbage Collection

Select The Blank
Question: The explicit drop of an object reference by setting the value of a variable, whose data type is a reference type of ________.
Correct Answer: Null

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How many types of literals are there?
Correct Answer: Number literals, character literals, boolean literals, string literals, etc.

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How array is defined?
Correct Answer: int arr[];

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Question: What are primitive data types?
Correct Answer: byte, short, int, long

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Which of the following is the declaration of an array of string objects?
Correct Answer: String[ ] s; , String [ ]s: , String[ s]: Your Answer: String[ ] s; , String [ ]s: , String[ s]:

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